Over the years diet pills have become very popular in our community. They are seen as a quick way to lose weight. Anti-obesity medication or weight loss drugs are all pharmacological agents that reduce or control weight. Many women use these medications as a quick way to drop a few pounds. One thing that people don't relies that there are life altering side effects. Diet pills are bad because their companies fail to inform the consumers of the dangerous side effects, they show small built women in their commercials, and they are not naturally stable.
There are so many overweight women in America and by telling them these pills work they are willing to take them. Over ◦51.5% of women aged 20-34 are overweight in the US 1999-2000 (Health United States, 2003, NCHS) http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/o/overweight/stats.htm and to tell them that diet pills are just the best thing since food would be false advertisement. Though a lot of these pills work most of these women are unaware of the health risk. If these women choose to take these pills they should be required to take a class that would inform them of the side effects.
This class would show these women all of the risk involved with taken these pills. Such as the side effects that are really dangerous. Some of the diet pills that have eight to ten side effects are Ephedra (8), Meridia (9), and Adipex (10). These pills all have commercials and are false advertising to not only women but overweight people all over the world. These pills that cause life risking threats should be pulled off of the market. Due to the fact that if you have low self-esteem you would be willing to try almost anything even if this is a life treating thing. This should not be the case if these women are taught correctly they would be willing to hurt themselves. There are even more of these dangerous pills on the website http://www.weightlossunit.com/diet-pills-side-effects.html.
Most of these diet pills have women who are small figured representing their products. This is false advertisement. It gives these women false hope that they too can have the body of these women in the commercials. There should be a law that prohibits these commercials. These companies should have to show real overweight women and their struggles and challenges. This would show women that this is just the same as losing weight naturally. Then they might choose an alterative way of losing weight that would not risk their health.
There are also younger girls who are overweight who deals with the same problems older woman go through. The thought of being overweight for some young girls leads to anorexia. Anorexia is also a side effect of the pill Meridia. The young girls become this way because they are afraid to become over weight. So they buy diet pills to try to make sure that doesn’t happen to them. This is very sad that we as a country have girls who are afraid of becoming overweight. In some cases being overweight is not healthy but, these are not the reasons young girls do this. Their doing this because the society was growing up in makes us believe that being small is the only way of the world.
This is very sad that we not only have older women struggling with weight problems but we have our younger generations feeling the same way. We are in a society where if you don’t look a certain way you are looked down upon. This in many problems can lead to depression and a lot of times suicide. We should reach out to one another than we won’t have this problem. If you see someone over weight that is being teased or miss treated and they are talking about taking weight pills you should educate them. Tell them of these side effects and how they can change their lives if they get hurt. Also if you are really close to them you should help them eat right and show them how to design a work out plan.
This would help them relies that not everyone is judging them. It would also help people get a better understanding of why they are overweight. Everyone is not overweight because they just like food. There are many different reasons like depression, some form of abuse rather it’s verbal or mental, or even just because there talked about. If they have someone to lean on and someone to help you always make it easier to do it naturally. The exercise program would have to be at an easy level at first then as they get better they would make it harder.
It is very sad that we live in a society that makes people think that they are inhuman. This means that they are less that of a person that has the “perfect body”. We have people who are willing to do large amount of damage to their bodies to basically fit into a word that we have created. The underweight trend that America is not as active all over the world. In other countries women are praised for being overweight. They are seen as better wives and child bearers. It is a blessing to receive an overweight woman. Some countries believe that an overweight women means wealth. Being that they have big figures it means that they have a somewhat big amount of money. Look how we treat people that would in any other country would be treated like royalty.
As a society we need to treat each other better and stop making people believe that they are less than. This is not how we want other people to feel as if they have to take pills and risk them lives to become a part of society. The side effects of these medications are very dangerous and will kill people who were otherwise healthy. Yes being overweight can cause some health problems but the natural was is always the best way to go. Diet pills with high side effects should be removed off the market for good. They are not healthy and will end up killing someone if this is not tackled in a timely manner.
They say that love can change anything. So why not love these people? Treat them as if they are the same as everyone else. Give them the love to take time out of your lives to help them change naturally. Teach them how to eat and how to work out. Show them how you keep your figure together. You never know you might become a couple of close friends. They might change you for the better. They can show you how they feel in a day to day basis. Then you would have a better understanding of how they are treated by almost everyone. This would teach a person how they should treat someone.
Also in closing this judgment has to stop it is making people hurt themselves. Then they start to hurt other people they develop an “I have to hurt them before they hurt me attitude”. Then they start to go one a really bad diet this isn’t working so they become discouraged. Then one day their watching TV and a diet pill commercial and order them and they take them. Then they end up sick and in the hospital then people start to feel bad. This should never have to happen. If we start to love and treat people kindly the world would be a better place.